Gender Finance System Map
/Created in collaboration with Tara Health Foundation’s Ruth Shaber and Nexial’s Marshall Clemens and Alexandra Kanitz, the Gender Finance System Map presents a comprehensive illustration of the actors, tools, initiatives, and types of capital that comprise the gender finance system, as well as the barriers and opportunities for systemic change.
Users can zoom in, zoom out, drill-into more detailed information and links, and explore the map through an array of different layers: from the role of individual financial life and community roles, to sexual and gender-based violence, to “Womenomics.” The goal is to help users visualize where they sit in the ecosystem, and help them identify the players, relationships, and institutions they need to influence and collaborate with.
We invite you to take a look and find where you sit on the map - whether you consider yourself someone who works in gender finance or not. See how your work connects to other players, and think about how you might be able to work with them to help each other achieve your common goals.
Special thanks to Chintal Barot from Co-Sustain Consulting, who project managed this initiative and contributed significant insight, writing, and research.